How to Avoid Being In the 23%
Creating a Plan for Home Improvement Projects in 2016

Yes, the New Year is often seen as a chance to start anew with renewed drive to improve upon areas in our life we feel are lacking.
For some it is committing to lose weight or save money. For others it is spending more time with family and friends. And for many, it is improving certain aspects of our home.
35% of us who make New Year’s resolutions break them by the end of January.¹
And only 23% of everyone who makes a resolution will see it through to completion.
When it comes to your home improvement resolutions, we want to help you avoid being amongst the percentages of those that let their resolutions fall to the wayside.
Tackle Your Next Home Project Like a Project at Work
Managing complicated home remodels, designs, and renovations is not much different from managing complicated projects in the world of business. The following tips come from the article Focus on the Success – Entrepreneur Magazines Ultimate Guide to Project Management, and can be mirrored in any home improvement project.
Using careful planning, these four key steps will help ensure success:
- Do the right project(s)
Make sure you are picking the right project(s) for your home. Pay attention to the needs of you and your family. For example, If you are living in your dream home and your intentions are to stay long term, make sure to put extra thought into quality materials that will measure up to your expectations. On the flip side if you are intending to make renovations in preparation for selling your home make sure to focus on projects that have a good ROI.
- Do the right project(s)
- Define the scope clearly and precisely
Lay out the budget, timeline, and skills needed to complete the project(s) you are going to achieve in the year ahead. Make sure you are able to accommodate all facets of the project(s). Even better, budget for a few extras. When an unforeseen and unpredictable circumstance arises, you won’t be so stressed.
- Define the scope clearly and precisely
- Plan the whole project and select your resources accordingly
Once you have defined the type of project, budget, timeline, and skills needed for execution, you can determine if the project is a DIY or requires the expertise of professionals. Keep in mind, experts bring their knowledge and experience to the table, working with you to achieve your vision.
- Plan the whole project and select your resources accordingly
- Do good architecture
When working with professionals, having steps 1-3 completed is critical. In addition, using idea boards (hello Pinterest!) and detailed conversations helps bring clarity and vision to your project. It allows you as the homeowner, and the professional team working with you, to get on the same page. Professionals may lend suggestions to your project that will make it more feasible concerning timelines, budgets, and materials. Conducting open ended discussions before the project begins will lend to a successful project and happy home owner.
- Do good architecture
Not to sound cliche, but planning truly is the key for success.
At Richard Larson Builders, planning is one of the steps we enjoy the most when working with our clients. Whether your 2016 plans include a facelift to the exterior of your home or a refreshed interior we hope you will consider us as your local partner and building expert!
¹ FranklinCovey